Links - Journalism/News

Creators Syndicate - Online Editorials
All of your favorite editorials online!
Creators Syndicate - Online Editorial Cartoons
Many of your favorite editorial cartoons online!
African Newspapers Online
Breaking News on Africa - Newspapers online by country
Columbia Journalism Review
CJR’s mission is to encourage and stimulate excellence in journalism in the service of a free society. It is both a watchdog and a friend of the press in all its forms, from newspapers to magazines to radio, television, and the Web
Headlinespot : Media Awards
National Press Club Awards Pulitzer Prizes National Journalism Awards ASNE Awards newspapers wires Alfred Eisenstaedt Awards magazine photo International Consortium of Investigative Journalists International Investigative Reporters and Editors James K. Batten Award civic journalism Peabody Awards TV
High School Journalism
The ASNE High School Journalism Initiative helps scholastic journalism develop and flourish. student newspapers online newspapers student journalism online journalism
Infography : Civic Journalism Bibliography
Civic Journalism Public Journalism Citizen-Based Reporting Journalists bibliograph Research, Resources and Ideas to Improve Journalism

Provides daily news briefings, reports and tools for journalists, an excellent site map, and links for journalism, education, and jobs. From Project for Excellence in Journalism and Committee of Concerned Journalists.
Poynter Online
This well-regarded site from the Poynter Institute "provides journalists with reliable information, and useful tools. The site also features tutorials and articles useful to journalists.
Project Censored
Project Censored, a media research, education, and advocacy initiative started at Sonoma State University is dedicated to exposing censorship in propaganda and mass media.